Who we are

One person is held together by what holds more people together.


The Thalassa House Institute of Psychotherapy and Psychiatric Rehabilitation began its operation in 2003, on a civil initiative, as a hospital maintained by the Foundation (Chance InStead of Aid Foundation). In this way, we work uniquely in Hungary, within a therapeutic community framework, with psychotherapeutic tools with group weight. We usually provide complex psycho and sociotherapy rehabilitation care lasting 3-6 months, for volunteers from all over the country, from the age of 16.

What we offer

Our program is recommended for patients with various psychological disorders, such as anxiety, mood difficulties, often psychotic and personality disorders, as well as addictological problems (e.g. drugs, alcohol, internet), who can already comply with our therapeutic rules and can recover by our care. 

In the case of addiction problems, we can primarily help to settle their psychological background and restore the emotional and relationship conditions of self-regulation. In these cases, it is of utmost importance to take responsible participation and to assume the abstinence (drug-free) achieved. Therefore, joining therapy is subject to at least three weeks of drug-free regimen prior to admission. Our institution cannot provide diversion.

Since those who come to us find it difficult to deal with the emotional and relationship difficulties that appear in their lives due to their psychological condition , our goal is to support the realization of the most complete psychosocial rehabilitation where we see it necessary, supplemented by medication and the possibility of family consultation

We consider it essential for this process, the presence of partners on the part of our patients in order to be able to participate in their own intensive therapeutic process, in finding personal resources and responsibility, in social cooperation, for which active presence in the therapeutic community offers an optimal opportunity. 

Our domestic and international role

Thalassa House (in cooperation with the departments of the SE Clinic, OORI and BAZ County Central Hospital Semmelweis Member Hospital) played a decisive role in the development of the conditions and financing environment of the independent psychotherapeutic rehabilitation profession. We are a member of the Hungarian Hospital Association.

Aktív szerepet vállalunk a hazai graduális és posztgraduális szakember képzésében. Intézetünk a Semmelweis Egyetem által akkreditált képzőhely a pszichiáter szakorvos, gyermek- és ifjúságpszichiáter szakorvos és a pszichoterapeuta szakorvos/szakpszichológus képzésben. Továbbá a graduális pszichológus képzésben az ELTE, a PPKE és a KRE klinikai gyakorlóhelyeként veszünk részt.

For many years, we have been able to maintain our membership and participate in the work of the International Association of Therapeutic Communities – the Community of Communities Quality Auditing Network. The condition for the  maintaining this membership is the foundation's provision to cover the international membership fee, but for which we do not have our own financial resources currently.

We are a founding member of the International Network of Democratic Therapeutic Comminities (INDTC).

We accept volunteers periodically in our institution, depending on saturation. This means a longer-term (minimum of half-year) cooperation or commitment. Details on this can be found under Volunteering .

Alapítványi fenntartású kórházunk, mely a Segély Helyett Esély Alapítvány közhasznú civil szervezet fenntartásában működik, hosszú évek során kidolgozott, komplex terápiás programot nyújt a páciensek számára, amely a leghatékonyabban segítheti a gyógyulás, a változás folyamatát. Terápiás programunknak bizonyos elemei a NEAK által finanszírozott alapszolgáltatásokhoz képest többletet jelentenek, amelyeket Alapítványunk támogatásokból tud finanszírozni.  A támogatások segítik működésünk zavartalan fenntartását, mely működés tapasztalataink szerint a leghatékonyabban segítheti a gyógyulás, ill. változás folyamatát.

A terápiás programban való részvételhez, az öngondoskodás jelentőségét is hangsúlyozva, pácienseinktől heti önerős hozzájárulást kérünk. Az „önerőről” a GYIK menüpont alatt olvashat.