Support options

Please support the recovery of those with mental and psychiatric problems.

Why support our work?

We raise the financial resources needed to run our expanded, highly professional therapy programme as a public benefit NGO, through donations, corporate grants and ad hoc grants. Public funding for our health and social care institutions covers around 70% of our costs.

Today, it is increasingly difficult to ensure that we are balanced. Non-verbal, art therapy programmes and socio-therapeutic sessions in a therapeutic community setting are the highlights of our non-medical, complex psycho- and socio-therapeutic rehabilitation programme. The equipment and running costs of these activities are covered by the Foundation's own resources.

Long-term therapeutic support for adults and young people who come to us is available in limited numbers in our country. Our professional aim is to support the recovery of people with mental illness and their return to work and learning.

In these difficult economic and social times, we feel the need to fill this gap even more, as the number of people in need increases dramatically.

If you have any questions about support or donations, our staff will be happy to help:

Bilski Veronika
fundraising, forrásszervezés,

You can find out about our foundation on the basis of the following data:

Aid Instead of Chance Foundation (1223 Budapest, Jókai Mór utca 21-23.)
Registration Number: 01-01-0002923
Tax number: 18007679-1-43